I think as individuals, our views are often too complex for us to able to be placed in a box. I think we all have views that technically fall into different political boxes. I think the boxes are traps and keep people from hearing ,examining, or conceding other sides of issues for fear of being labeled "one of them".

For example..the "pro business" box. Who isn't pro business? I'm pro business, but if the box says that being pro business means that I am against ANY regulation of business, and that I am against taxing businesses because they create jobs and anchor society, then I step out of that box. Citizens are regulated by laws and codes, the govt. even at the highest levels has checks and balances....what makes corporations exempt from rules and regulations? And I guess, if you're not in the pro business box..you're a socialist pinko commie?

I'm all for people,organizations, trade groups,lobbies speaking and acting in their OWN best interests. So big business is supposed to promote what they promote. I think Limbaugh,O'Reilly,etc have magically pulled the wool over the eyes of a lot of regular Americans to the extent that they(the American public) now promote views and ideologies that aren't necessarily in THEIR best interests.Big business via expertly crafted arguments and sound bytes in media is waving a carrot in front of us with a fishing line like what someone on horseback would do.And we are being manipulated.Interest groups by definition are concerned with themselves FIRST. If convincing us that what benefits them also benefits us ,helps them get support..they will try to do it regardless of there being any truth to the matter. Not mad at them, mad at us for going for it.