Of course their boss didn't okay it. The article doesn't say that. The cops were undercover. They weren't wearing uniform. They wouldn't necessarily have known that they were murdering cops. The article shares the motive for why Giovanelli, Maltese and Gualtieri likely killed Venditti.

And I am sure Giovanelli getting off had nothing to do with rigging the jury and/or threatening the lives of jurist/s family members. And I am sure it had nothing to do with a prosecution witness being threatened into changing his testimony - he later ended up murdered in a mob burial ground. A boss of a family done this several times in the 80's so it isn't exactly an alien concept.

Lots of honest people end up getting taken apart on the witness stand by the best defense lawyers - sadly. Lots of dishonest people get off - in all walks of life. A bit harsh to judge a victim because she can't remember perfectly something that happened in the space of a frantic 30 seconds to minute when her first instinct was protecting her life and/or trying to save her partner.

I suppose we are inclined to think differently but my head would say the mobsters did it.

------- Good read, HairyKnuckles.