Originally Posted By: Faithful1
Pizza, you don't even have to go that far back to the Republicans are too old questions. Remember John McCain? It's the same thing with the meme about Dan Quayle and Sarah Palin, yet you hear nothing from the Left questioning Joe Biden's lack of intelligence (hint: a rock collection is smarter than Biden, then he's on top of that he's a dirty, nasty, grabby old man). It's all hypocrisy.

I forgot about McCain!

Yup, he was 70 when he announced his candidacy in 2007. A whole year older than Hillary will be, come election time. And the press was rabid about how old and out of touch he was.

And that's a strong analogy about the alleged "stupidity" of Quayle as compared to Biden (as VP candidates). Although, I must admit, I hope that Biden runs against her and tears the party apart, a la Teddy Kennedy in 1980. I wouldn't vote for him in the general election. But why should a two-term sitting Vice President step aside for someone just because of here last name? Fuck her.

I can really see why people hate her. But if you voice that opinion, you're automatically labeled a sexist by New York the Times or the Huffington Post (even though she's not very popular among women, either).

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.