been working out for about 10 years now, i'm 27. Only in the last 2 years I have really understood bodybuilding or gaining size properly. I try to get 200 grams of protein a day, I take creatine and obviously a protein shake. I lift for big sessions 5-6 times a week. I'm a decent size for natty, 6 foot 1 and 205 pounds leanish.
The more you get into lifting and understanding the science, you realize how many people are juicing. Tons of actors in Hollywood, half the NFL, most of these youtube fitness channel guys etc.
Saw John Cena claiming he has never touched steroids on a clip today LMAO, he's 6 foot 1 and 250 with like 8% bodyfat and about 19 inch arms. Just not possible.
I'm beginning to hit what I would say is optimal lean muscle mass for my frame, so I may consider juicing to see what its like. You can cycle safely but its costly!