Faffy" is coming home" in 16 give or take.
The old guard may have a nice coming home gift for him or they may wait for him to get out.He is very well liked ,and will be set the minute he gets into town.

Phil Leonetti" is or was just in town again ,he did or is doing a local show with a guy Harry Hurley(don't know when it airs) and harry knows him a little being a local" and Harry's brother being LE" makes it a little easy for him to call Phil.He was on his show back in 2012.

There is one thing about Phil he knows or is ready for someone to take a shot at him cos he is not like the other rats ,he stays out on the lime light pretty good.

With the old guard getting members back and old business partners and associates coming back into the fold, cos not fearing Skinny as much as in the past things are getting very interesting in Philly.I just want Skinny to walk around Philly .

And "Phil" better watch his ass cos Philly will shoot still.....

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."