Originally Posted By: Footreads
Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
yeah, I remember he was bad, but, George W got us into those wars in the middle east, and it is a no- win situation.

so. I want to put him as the all time worst, although after the election of 2016, we could have another worst one. my confidence in presidents is -10.

Hey they hit the WTC. So what let that shit slide. We are letting it slide today how soon we fucking forget.

I hope they hit LA and Chicago next then see how fast I forget about that.

You're right. As crazy as you are, you're right.

We're all Americans, and it's insulting to minimize that fact in people who live outside the Tri-State area. But there's no doubt that it's different for New York City residents. We were HERE that awful day and lived with the aftermath for months. I could see the smoldering for weeks from my back yard.

And you know that old theory about there being no more than seven degrees of separation between any two human beings? Well, if you lived in the City or the City's suburbs, there was never more than one or two degrees of separation between yourself and one of the 9/11 victims.

I'm sorry, but it does make a difference.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.