Originally Posted By: ItalianForever
Originally Posted By: Footreads
Yes they may be fucked up.

But this government see's people who make 380 thousand in the dreaded 1 percent.

Yup. They can't get the real money so they settle on people earning high incomes who aren't wealthy. And the middle class ends up being collateral damage.

Spot-on. But I think Foot's giving them too much credit with the 380k. The people who are being duped by that line of bullshit think that a hundred grand a year is a lot of money. Now these are obviously lower income people, and I feel bad for them. But the people I have the problem with are the trust fund assholes selling them that line of bullshit.

The average kid protesting at Zuccotti Park a few years ago was about 22 years old, Whiter than Wonder Bread, and here on Mommy and Daddy's nickel (and obviously NOT native New Yorkers). Half of them lived locally (be it in Battery Park City, SoHo or The Village), in neighborhoods that were, believe it or not, not only affordable, but blue collar not all that long ago (if you're from out of town, just think of the old Little Italy).

And yet, it's COMPLETELY lost on these kids that they're driving the poor people---who they were supposed to be supporting with their mock outrage---right out of this city by living here on their parents' money, and driving the rents higher than anywhere else in the world.

I make my living in New York City real estate today. And if I'm saying it, you can bet your bippy that it's true. These Lily-White, out-of-town hipsters, need to go back to where they came from. It's all smoke and mirrors. That asshole de Blasio goes on and on about "A Tale of Two Cities." But he's in just as deep with the real estate lobby as Bloomberg was.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.