Originally posted by Turi Giuliano:
Hang on, you only gave us 6 minutes to answer. I'm going out in a blaze of glory. Scarface style.
My bad on the timing...I figured someone would say that. That's everyone's thought. I mine too. Realistically, I would die either walking with my lady, or walking into the liquer store to buy some smokes.

Imaginitively, I would go down in my home with my family hiding in a closet or something. I would have a SPYDER at hand blasting people decked out in battle armour, and gas masks. I would like to have a security system with some really fucked up goa trance, and smoke screen and lighting. I figured a cloudy rave scene would be a good cover.

I would have to debate using a katanna or a fully automated, gas powered pistol. Both are really cool.

"Only the dead have seen the end of war" -Plato

"There is no bread sweeter than the bread that you earn with your sweat" Nino Episcopo