Originally Posted By: getthesenets

I'm neither a CPA nor an attorney.


I watch c-span and try to read direct sources as much as possible. Nature of the news media ,even business programs and channels,is to place some sort of spin on the coverage of existing laws or possible changes to them.
I don't necessarily disagree with your post and certainly businesses anchor society ,etc, but hasn't the argument you're presenting been used by so called "pro business" proponents for decades now.That Tax breaks, tax loopholes, subsidies, tariffs on foreign made products, bailouts are "really" benefiting the American public in the "long term".

There's also provisions of the Internal Revenue Code meant to counteract the so called loopholes. For instance, there is section 41 of the Internal Revenue Code: "The Credit For Increasing Research Activities." This is a credit meant to incentivise domestic research and development activities. It acts as a tax credit for corporations hiring employees domestically who are performing R&D activity. It basically allows companies to use as a credit the salaries paid to domestic employees performing research and development activities. And the credit can't be claimed if the company is outsourcing. Meaning, they have to hire domestically.

Just showing the flip side. Its rarely as a black and white as many like to think.

Last edited by ItalianForever; 04/16/15 04:35 PM.