While not a "Mafia book" I just read "Corruption Officer" by Gary Howard."From jail guard to prisoner". This was written by a black resident of Harlem's housing projects who lands a job with the NYC prison system and is assigned to Rikers Island. A Marine war veteran, he starts out pretty well, but when the gal he had two kids with learns he got a good job, she took him to court and the judge awarded child support so high that his paycheck shrunk to less than $50.00 a week. This caused him to turn to smuggling in cigarettes to start and led to cocaine , whiskey Etc. He talks of the female CO's selling their asses for $$$. Naturally he gets caught and then is sentenced to prison himself. Lots of interesting stories in here and the book got a lot of good reviews even though it is written in ubonics. I think the people on this site would enjoy reading it. Couldn't put it down.