Originally Posted By: olivant
There are a number of Board members whose posts are responsible by any measure. One measure is accuracy; others, not so much. Regarding a couple of posts above:

Members of the The University of California at Irvine student government voted to ban all flags from the lobby of its student government office on the campus. The student government executive council countered that vote by vetoing it as the student government charter states that the executive council can do. Thus, the removal of all flags from the student government office lobby never took place.

He said it was overruled. Where is the accuracy issue? Did you not read his post? See below:

Originally Posted By: Faithful1
UC Irvine, the large University of California campus, is so far to the Left that it recently voted to remove the American flag from its lobby because it was a symbol of oppression. Others overruled the decision, but it might not last.

What was incorrect? And why are you defending that action?