Originally Posted By: moneyman
if a republican gets elected its gonna take a guy who is liberal socially no way around it... too hard to pull in younger votes in urban areas

Wrong, blacks and hispanics are typically religious and more socially conservative but extremely economically liberal.

It cracks me up when the dems say they are the party of the middle class but it is clear that liberal policies only hurt the middle class. The ultimate goal of the left is to make more and more people dependent upon government.

It is clear that this president has hurt this country. The labor participation rate (the real unemployment rate) is at about 63%, which means 37% of people are not in the work force, not the bs 5.5% figure we get from our loving government.

I'll give you an example. The minimum wage. The libs are constantly harping on raising the minimum wage. They use leftist hyperbole that these big corporations need to pay. The reality is this, 60-70% of employees work for small business. Small businesses are far less able to handle the minimum wage rise because, as a small business, it significantly effects salary costs and thus the bottom line.

As far as big corporations go, ask yourself this, at what point is it cheaper for a big company to invest in other means and methods (more technologically efficient means) of providing goods and services to customers?

For most businesses, salary costs are the most significant expense. At some pint however, technology will change this reality. And if the left keeps up this crap, that reality will change at a much fast pace.

Last edited by ItalianForever; 04/08/15 10:43 AM.