I think you're right about Giuliani, Pizza. That was probably his race to lose. Right or wrong, his popularity gave him great political capital, once upon a time.

Obama was wet behind the ears also, but before being Senator, he was more than just First Lady. The guy has some impressive credentials under his belt from an academic standpoint, but not from a military standpoint, or even a private sector standpoint. But the credentials were there. Hillary has nothing but maybe a law degree from an Ivy league school, and probably not even much work history to boast of. She's not even a well credentialed person who is wet behind the ears and short on experience. She is a blank sheet of paper where a resume should have been. And sorry, but as a resident of New York State, I don't really count her jobs as Senator and Secretary of State as work experience because one, she never finished either job, and two, those jobs were handed to her. No way.

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."