What is Hillary Clinton's position, on anything? How is she different from presidents past? How can you announce you are running for president and no one knows where you stand on anything? She has no accomplishments that I know of. I live in NYC. When she became our Senator, I thought that was pretty silly. There were other people who worked their whole life to reach a point where they could run for the Senate, and in waltz's Hillary to become the new Senator. Then she left that job before the term was up to pursue self aggrandizement. She eventually landed a job as Sec. of State, but then she did the same. She left that job prematurely to pursue self aggrandizement. So the only thing she has shown us, consistently, is that she will not finish the job. Her as president? I don't think so.

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."