Yes I do believe RFK was killed by the same people but purely from a cover up of his brother assassination . David Sanchez Moralez I think had a strong hand in both and he admitted such to his best friend in front of his attorney and several others. He was basically head of the CIA foreign leader assassination squad , he killed Che Guevara and headed that lethal Phoenix unit in Vietnam , both him and Bill Harvey , another top CIA assassination figure both died right before the HSCA along with Rosselli who Harvey was very very close with .

A week before RFKs murder he told several aides that when he is president he will finally find out who ordered his brother death . If RFK stayed in the background I doubt he would of been touched . There were 10 bullets fired in LA but the suspects gun only had 8 bullets . RFK knew the people that killed his brother came from the mongoose group , unfortunately RFK personally was the head of this group and for years was guilted by this ( I wouldn't doubt if this was the intent ), he was shocked to his core , his son finally came out about the CIA behind his uncles death in 2013. It's not even a secret who was involved in the jfk murder , the big secret is who gave the nod , the sponsors.

I feel very strongly that Dulles was involved as George DeM tracks back to him ( he was LHO CIA babysitter in Dallas - note he was strongly anti communist- the exact opposite of LHO and he was instructed by Tracey Barnes to befriend LHO . Barnes was deep in Mongoose , anti Castro and very close with Moralez , Harvey , Sforza etc and George committed suicide right before his HSCA testimony , he said for years how horrible he felt about possibly helping with the LHO set up.

Also in terms of the assassination you have to remember how vital Ruth Paine was to the assassination plan . I don't think she had pre knowledge but she definitely knew what was going on after the hit as she was picked up on the phone talking to her separated husband that they both knew who pulled off this hit and this is before LHO was fingered . Anyway whoever put her there , she moved suddenly from Pa to Dallas for no reason then went out to get Marina to move in with her , knew this person had to be as hard as a rock as she could provide the character support behind the lone nut and more importantly all the evidence to pin LHO came from her house, not too mention she lied to the WC and got LHO in the book depository right before the assassination . Her family was deep in the CIA with her sister working for the CIA psychological group and her father working at AID , a CIA foreign front and she tied directly back to Dulles as her mother and Dulles were longtime friends and lovers- Mary Bancroft . Also note exactly 1 month after the JFK hit President Truman wrote a large op - ed stating how misguided the CIA had become, he started the CIA purely to gather intelligence and not to hijack foreign policy , he blasted them and I highly doubt the timing was a coincidence but Dulles flew out to try and convince Truman not to release this article . Not to mention Dulles was appointed to the WC and was the only member regularily there , this after JFK fired him for trying to lie him into an all out war with Cuba during bay of pigs . Even worse is while on the WC , 3 of the 7 members didn't believe the magic bullet theory and wouldn't sign the official WC conclusion unless they added their difference of opinion disclosure about this issue into the report . Dulles realizing this was a disaster came up with a brilliant plan , on the last day the 3 senators voiced their opinion which they thought would be officially recorded into the document as a stenographer was present , however what they didn't know was Dulles already let go the stenographer and replaced her with his secretary , therefore the 3 senators dissent never made it into the official WC documents , classic lol . Eisenhowers last public address in 1960 was to warn the American people about the dangerous influence of the "military industrial complex ".

With 9/11 , I wouldn't be surprised if some in our intelligence had strong suspicions of an attack or reported an imminent attack upwards but which was never acted upon . I wouldn't be surprised though if foreign agencies had more pieces to the puzzle and deliberately kept this info from us for political or military purposes