Originally Posted By: SonnyBlackstein
The problem with the human brain is that it has trouble accepting an extra ordinary result from an ordinary input. It's human nature. The brain prefers to reconcile a like with like. It is unsettling to have to register an ordinary input, a guy with a gun, with an extra ordinary output, the death of a president.

But this is the situation. And it's the same with the moon landing, JFK, death of Diana, Roswell, 9/11 etc etc.

All are simple explanations resulting in extraordinary outcomes. And the mind has trouble reconciling that. So we look for an extraordinary reason, to justify the outcome. For no other reason, than it sits better with us. Reason be damned.

Oswald killed JFK. Man landed on the moon, Diana died in a car crash, it was a weather balloon, 24 Muslim barstards crashed planes.
That's it. Those are the answers.
Do yourself a favour and respect the truth.

Edit: I just did a you tube search. '9/11 documentaries' the first page was ALL full of bullshit conspiracy, anti-govt, Mossad, etc etc theories. This with the search criteria of 9/11, and documentary.
Shame. Shame on the makers for distorting history, the memory of those lost and why and on what our children will learn when they Google, on YouTube, about a documentary on what happened that day.
Not ONE real documentary. When one googles 9/11 documentary. On YouTube.
What will our children learn?

Let me give you an example about respecting the truth. Back in the early 90's a supermarket was bombed in Saraevo,Bosnia which resulted with the deaths of many people. It was claimed that the attack was managed by the Serbian military forces and the "truth" was accepted for a long time period.Than, almost two decades later, former Bosnian government people admitted that they bombed and killed their own people just to incite international outrage and NATO intervention.So yeah...respect the truth...right?!


He who can never endure the bad will never see the good