Originally Posted By: getthesenets
Originally Posted By: ItalianForever

Holding cell is not close. I made two trips to the tombs in my younger days. Both times in for about 36 hours. Its a joke, its basically a bull shit session. Its pretty interesting actually, a real melting pot in there.

It was in the tombs when I first learned that Hatians aren't black. I was talking to this black dude (or dude I thought was black) and he told me he wasnt black he was Hatian. He then explained to me the difference. Who said jail can't be educational.

I never saw any problems or violence in the tombs in the two times I was at the tombs or the one time I was in New Jersey holding awaiting arraignment. People in there aren't getting violent because they know that its nothing close to real prison.

You HAVE to tell me the explanation he gave you. And whether there was a strong rum smell coming from his mouth.

I can't remember. I don't believe he went too in depth. Nor do I know or care whether its true. I was just more telling that story to emphasize the relatively cordial environment that existed when I was there.

Last edited by ItalianForever; 04/01/15 08:33 AM.