
Just finished reading "Business or Blood; Mafia Boss Vito Rizzuto's Last War"

Many interesting tidbits. Stories and events are kind of, all over the place including the parties involved.

To answer my own question; Chapter 24 : Tale of Betrayal.
It is documented by Intelligence on February 11, 2011. The 'Ndrangheta of Ontario attended the funeral of an original member of the "Camera di Controllo", very well respected individual, Cosimo Stalteri (note; was not pro-Vito). He remained neutral in the dismantling of the Rizzuto Empire.

From the funeral, the 'Ndrangheta of Ontario boarded a Chartered Bus to Hazelton Manor in Vaughan. For the 5oth anniversary of 'legendary' Paolo [BadWord]. Btw, had already Intelligence at this location and did not expect both intelligence teams to meet together at some point and were shocked. Supposedly, it would have shocked Rizzuto, it states.

Another point added, Paolo's cousin, Agostino was murdered seven months ago AND two months prior, the murder of Nicolo Sr.

I guess, it was for "BUSINISSI"

There are other good tidbits in the book regarding the Montreal war and how it transpired and how it fell apart amongst the rebellious clans. I guess Montagna became a victim of his own psyche and bit off more than he can chew, in a short period of time.

Another note, I came across about Montagna, as being Sicilian, Underboss for the Bonannos. He didn't meet with any Sicilians in Ontario, as noted; Chapter 16; Friends Like These. He met with the members of the "Camera di Controllo" throughout the GTA (Greater Toronto Area) and Luppinos in Hamilton.
Montagna ultimate goal was to control Port of Montreal and live in the GTA, close to the 'Ndrangheta of Ontario.

Happy reading and research.....