Originally Posted By: dsbaloo
He must not be too smart when he's already not well liked then he goes and tries to squeeze his best friend/crew members brother.. Literally a total greedy idiot move..sounds to me he got what he deserved. Like people say. This shits chess not checkers.. Can't be making these impulsive moves and expect not to ruffle any feathers.

There it is.

Originally Posted By: ItalianForever
Of course he's a scumbag. Who is saying he isnt? He's a gangster, gangsters do bad things. I am just saying, if your going to be a gangster, be a gangster.

Come on, IF. You and I are pals. You know that. But maybe he's not a gangster after all.

I mean, when you get your button and promoted to skipper while you're still in your twenties, just because of who your father is, shit like this tends to happen.

Rank and file street guys HATE that "Crown Prince of the Mafia" shit. Look at Junior Gotti. Same shit, different day.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.