I will say this about the Genovese crew. Unlike some of the others, they dont have a lot of wanna be farm teams partaking in high risk/ stupid activity that leaves them vulnerable. Also, they dont have a lot of shit head " cafe gianinni" type crews that not only engage in high risk , strong arm shit, but who were also privy to higher level activity.
Yeah, great idea. Lets have a bunch of young wanna be coke heads deal drugs, rob drug dealers, do home invasions, shoot people , and at the same time provide them with valuable insight that only seasoned made guys should only be privy to. This way when they eventually get caught, they can testify in front of a grand jury and wipe out half of our capo's. Lol
Genovese never had much of that, unlike the colombo's, bonanno's, and gambino's.

Last edited by Belmont; 03/25/15 11:39 AM.