Ok since it raised some interest I decided to tell the FBI story. First, keep in mind while I write LCN guys that's just one slice, I also write gangsters of various stripes (cartels, bikers, prison gangs etc) and political cases of various stripes, along with some random others, I am not so much into writing serial and random spree killers like most people in the hobby.

Anyway as I'm being dropped off I see some people who just look like govt employees leaving and I think they are there for something unrelated that was going on so we make eye contact, one calls me name questioningly I'm like "Yeah!" and walk over and that's when they both flash their badges and say "Agent so and so and Agent so and so Newark FBI office!"

Well....I won't even lie I stop dead in my tracks and must have looked pretty worried. Right away the male agent goes "Oh you're not in trouble! You're not in trouble! We just know you talk to some VERY interesting people in prison and we would LOVE to know what they say back to you." At this point I'm relieved and say "Oh that's just a hobby, I really have nothing to say about that. I'm sorry to make you travel all the way from Newark for nothing." They were polite and told me to give them a call if I changed my mind.

Later on I found out the agents evidently work counter-terror (quite possibly domestic terror in particular). I still have the one agent's business card they left with my father while they were looking around for me in case anyone wants to call BS on my story. To my knowledge this is the 2nd time I've had a run in with federal law enforcement, the other time was DEA in 2004.

EDIT: In hindsight I wish I had given a nazi salute as they left and said "Hail Staino!"

Last edited by JerseyShine; 03/22/15 11:04 AM.