
1.the Sopranos scene about this exact issue

...was filmed right in Newark Washington park. I passed by the statue all the time in high school going to the main library

I've got the impression, and surely I'm not qualified to confirm it, just as an outsider that complaining or being concerned with outside perceptions is not a top priority for Italian Americans. Assimilation and succeeding in America take precedence over those things.
When groups have stood up to other things smearing Italians or brought up past issues(Italian Americans in internment camps during WW2,mafia films, jersey shore, ethnic slurs in media) I never remember them getting much public support from American Italians.

It's not complaining, it's just calling for your group to be respected as other groups are respected. I think existing civic organizations should NOT take it & fight back and that the public needs to support the push back...and EDUCATE the public with your version of the story.

2. I think in countries where Whites are the minority, you might have instances of whites doing exactly that.

3. When groups of people are living together, eventually they are going to date each other,regardless of any racial rhetoric about hating this group or that group.One of the guys in the Bensonhurt group that attacked Yusef Hawkins, had a Black girlfriend.