Originally Posted By: getthesenets
Interesting take ,, pizza. I'd disagree though. Tomorrow in the city, St. Pat's Day is essentially an Irish American parade.The Columbus Day parade is basically the Italian American parade.West Indian Day parade.Puerto Ricans.Greeks. Several ethnicities..though we are all American....celebrate their roots openly in parades in the Big Apple. Nobody ever links these displays of cultural pride as being racist.Nor do they consider cultural clubs, civic associations, etc created by hyphen-American groups to be racist.

I'm glad you pointed that out, Gets. I was hoping you would. Liberals have been trying to ruin Columbus Day for years with their "Columbus was a terrorist" mantra. And maybe he was, who the Hell knows? But to certain Italian-American groups, well, we feel as though they're putting it on us today. Sound familiar? wink

Originally Posted By: getthesenets
The Black History Week, when it first started, was created because ANY reference to contributions by Black Americans to American history were omitted from history books and school curricula. If you are saying that the books should include the contributions of ALL Americans to our country and culture thereby rendering a Black History Month or any hyphen American month "obsolete"..I'd agree with you.Until that happens...BHM, Hispanic Heritage Month, etc....serve their purpose.

You're right. But it HAS morphed into some Blacks celebrating the color of their skin rather than what their actual background is (be it Nigerian or other). Now if Whites followed suit (just say the Irish, Germans, Poles, Italians, et al.) and did likewise, and just lumped themselves all together to celebrate a White History Month, well, you can see where I'm going here.

Originally Posted By: getthesenets
I have to say that though, in certain East Coast cities,and several cities in NJ for sure....the white ethnics were pushed out of their former ethnic enclaves by large waves of Black and later Hispanic migrants from the early 1970s on.
I'm not sure as many of the last ones living in the older neighborhoods would have moved out and assimilated otherwise.

I completely agree. I've seen firsthand the Whites who were "left behind" when their brethren, if you will, started assimilating into the suburbs. They often become bitter, racist, White Trash. What's funny is, while hating on Blacks, I've seen some of them get involved in relationships with them---think of Halle Berry and Billy Bob Thornton in "Monster's Ball, put them on vodka and crack cocaine, and relocate them to Fordham Road. Happens all the fucking time.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.