That's the phone, Mark! lol

But I made my first trip to Florida as a little kid in the '60s, pre-Disney. My grandparents had a place in Palm Beach County at the time. But if you were a kid back then (and again, this is before the arrival of Mickey, Goofy and Snow White), all you wanted to see in Florida was Cape Kennedy and Sea World, which were both up north.

My Dad would rent a car, and we'd make the drive up every time. We'd stay in one of those funky old motels on A1A, pick up a rubber alligator and one of those little plastic orange juice squeeze things (that never really worked), and it seemed great. Today a kid would be bored to tears, but we liked it fine smile.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.