Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
that's a very good question conopizza. you would think something relating to scarpa would come out in that book.

I think the FBI made it up to bolster scarpa's worth to them.

That's a very sound theory, I think.

People need to remember also there are TWO alleged Scarpa missions in Mississippi for the FBI.

The first is Cheney, Goodman, Schwerner case, summer 1964 and is the subject of this thread.

The second-- which seems documented from FOIA records-- is in early 1966, in relation to the Vernon Dahmer case.


Sometime in 1994, fed source(s) tells Robbins & Capeci the Scarpa story, with no documents nor other corroboration. (I don't have the date for this original NY Daily News story but we can get it.)


Now let's correlate this with the FBI investigation of Lin Devecchio.


Let's also look back to the post-JFK FBI... with all the resources they had in the south, how much sense does it make they're going to fly a relatively untested mob informant down like that?

Linda Schiro-- who has near zero credibility on specific facts, the last time I checked-- claims she went with him?!

Even if some desperate or rogue FBI SA-- with or without Hoover approval-- is willing to give this a shot, they're letting Scarpa's 17-year-old girlfriend come along? Why, because it's better cover? Like one Brooklyn street thug won't stand out enough? (Granted, the area was swarming with journalists, military, feds etc by then.)


Peter Lance has a lot of citations in his Scarpa book, this chapter included, but if you actually look at these citations, he has NOTHING to go on, except the original Robbins/Capeci story which someone--obviously-- planted for a reason.

Peter Lance, it should be noted, did NOT talk to John Doar who, afaik, was active until near the end.



Is it possible Scarpa went to Mississippi, alone, in 1964 and, having used him once, the FBI thought to use him again in 1966?

Possible but more than a little unlikely.

Is Lin Devecchio-- like Linda Schiro-- even they both know A LOT, in any way a reliable source?

I think not.

Last edited by conopizza; 03/16/15 08:01 AM.