
I deliberately didn't follow the Ferguson case, so forgive me for asking .Wasn't the guard called in at some point? The resources don't exist to keep them deployed there indefinitely .The shooting occurred last year and the actual case involving the officer is over.Eventually the local police would have been put back in charge. You're right that a military presence would have deterred some of the outsiders and the thug element from latching on to the protests.

I brought up the cctv because you'd think that at the very least, law enforcement would want to be able to know who exactly is out there mixed in with legitimate protesters and track their movement.
I'm aware of anarchists joining protests with their own motives .I've had run ins with the Mad Max film looking anarchists, and they are a scary bunch.I don't think they were behind the fires and looting because unfortunately the thug element of our communities have expressed themselves in that way for going on a few decades now.
Riots (and marches)don't accomplish anything in these scenarios.
They expect us to riot, they have the riot gear and empty jail cells ready.
You'd think that people would have figured it out by now.
Political and economic pressure and leverage are the long term ways to change things.

I know that police brutality and misconduct are VERY serious issues, as I've been humiliated and provoked by police before, but I didn't think the Mike Brown case was the right one to frame this national discussion around (for reasons that I won't get into now.)
But once the thug element and outsiders got involved, I knew that they were actually going to help the "other side" of the debate.


I think college students , or college age people sometimes think that they should be protesting something..whether they understand the issue or not...while they're "partying, putting headbands on their heads...doing drugs and listening to damned Beatles albums...ugh...ugh!!!!!".People who know how gullible these young people are take advantage of their time and exploit them.Young, impressionable and want to fit in..perfect recruit for anything.

The aimless OWS protests from a few years back were a complete joke..and yes...rich hipsters slumming and acting like they were part of the" 99% " made it even funnier.