Originally Posted By: Turnbull

Overall: more harm than good.

TB, one of my concerns as I express to my students is our collective penchant for accruing positive and negative actions and outcomes to Presidents. For example, despite the mantra from pundits, Presidents don't raise or lower taxes; only the US Congress can do that. That Congress may agree with or oppose a President's proposal is exactly how our Constitution prescribes that relationship.

For example, in 1981 President Reagan signed a huge tax reduction into law and in late 1982 a huge tax increase into law. However, there would not have been the two laws for him to sign unless the Congress (Democrat controlled House and Republican controlled Senate) had passed both bills. Who gets credit?

"Generosity. That was my first mistake."
"Experience must be our only guide; reason may mislead us."
"Instagram is Twitter for people who can't read."