I agree that Obama and his staff aren't idiots, but the words reflect his own personal beliefs. We have to consider his influences and his education. His father and stepfather were both Muslims, he attended a Muslim school in Indonesia and he was identified at that time as a Muslim. His mother and his maternal grandparents were political on the Far Left and he came under influence of a Communist named Frank Marshall Davis. After high school he moved to Southern California and attended Occidental College then transferred to Columbia in New York. He never released his transcripts so we don't know what he studied, except it has been revealed that he studied under Edward Said, an anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian professor of comparative literature, the author of "Orientalism," and a member of the governing body over the PLO. After Columbia he attended Harvard Law and graduated with a law degree then went to Chicago and became a community organizer. While in Chicago he taught at the University of Chicago.

Obama started attending Trinity United Methodist Church in 1987 and became a member there in 1992. Pastor Jeremiah Wright did not teach traditional Methodist theology but the Black Liberation Theology of Marxist theologian James Cone. Obama said he became a Christian as an adult, but did not specify when that was, but it's safe to assume that his version of Christianity probably was similar to Wright's. Pastor Wright married Barack and Michelle Robinson. Obama continued to attend Trinity until he ran for President in 2008.

In the 1990s he was connected with Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dorhn. Both were former leaders of the radical domestic terrorist group The Weather Underground and call themselves communists "with a little c". While leading the WU the group planted numerous bombs across the country. Dohrn is believed by the FBI and the San Francisco police of planting a bomb that killed a police officer. She was placed on the FBI's Most Wanted list in 1973 and was a fugitive until 1980. Her father got her a job with a law firm (although she did not have a law degree at the time), and both Ayers and Dorhn ended up teaching at the university level after completing their degrees. Ayers also became an adviser to Mayor Richard Daley. Ayers and Obama worked together on an Annenberg education project in 1995 that lost several million dollars, and Ayers hosted a coffee "meet and great" for Obama at his home when Obama ran for the state senate in 1995. Ayers said he didn't know who Obama was at the time and said they were only associates while others said they were friends until the early 2000s. In an interview with the Daily Beast, Ayers said they were friendly. They were also connected through a political party called the New Party.

In 2008 it came out that Obama's sponsor to Harvard Law was Khalid al-Mansour an antisemitic and anti-white Muslim attorney and close adviser to a Saudi prince and was involved with funding schools that taught Wahhabi theology around the world. He was born Don Warden and helped start the Black Panthers, but left the group after it began connecting with white radical groups.

So Obama had a lot of positive experiences and received a lot of influence from Muslims and the Palestinian cause. It explains his adversarial relationship to Netenyahu and his willingness to make a nuclear deal with Iran. When Obama said that "Islam is part of the fabric of the country" he may have meant in the present and not at the founding. So I don't think this is some sort of political bait, but his beliefs, his ideology.

Before this country was founded there were some groups escaping religions persecution: the Separatists (Pilgrims), the Puritans, the Quakers, and in the French southeast, the Huguenots (French Calvinists). They were all Protestant groups and did little persecution themselves, aside from the Salem Witch Trials. Most of the European persecution was committed by the Roman Catholic Church and Catholic rulers. In France in 1572 there was a genocide committed against Huguenots, and they were responsible for the Inquisition. Mary I of England persecuted Protestants and many went into exile during her reign. However, none of the examples of Catholic persecution compares to the number of murders committed by extremist Muslim groups over the past twenty years.

My concern, and I'm only speaking for myself, is that the extremist Muslim groups are succeeding. If left unchecked it could very well take over much of north and central Africa and the entire Middle East. There may be a time when Iran will have to reconsider its hatred toward Israel because it is the most powerful enemy of ISIS. Jordan is relatively weak, and Egypt is still in turmoil despite the fact that the current government is making all the right moves. I can also see ISIS, if it's around long enough, trying to take over France and Italy. ISIS and its extremist allies are trying to lead us into World War III.

With this in mind we can ask ourselves, if it would have been better to have taken out Hitler early when he invaded Alsace-Lorraine, wouldn't also be better to take out ISIS before it takes over much more of the world? To do that, the USA may have to get involved much more so than it is now.