OK fellas, and ladies, I'm the one who brought up the middle ages, the renaissance and Islam. I was reaching for a possible explanation about the "Islam is part of the fabric of the country" line. That line used by the president is 100% BS and it was rightfully called out. Neither Obama nor his staff are idiots,they know the statement is inaccurate, so this was done for some kind of political effect.

They know the climate in America now so they absolutely know that objective people from both sides are going to write that what he said was a lie. They know that certain factions are going to lie and agree with him and that other factions will destroy him for it and add unrelated jabs in doing so.
I think the White House is trying to bait a potential Rep. nominee for 2016 in putting his/her foot in mouth in a way that will come back and haunt them.

Now, back to historical atrocities.This country was founded by people fleeing religious persecution in Europe.Sometimes we may not think of certain things as "Christian" atrocities or terrorism in the same way we see "Muslim" atrocities but if you take a closer look and you don't have a dog in the fight..you can see the similarities.

Now today in 2015..what these Muslim terrorists are doing to innocent people is evil..whether it's kidnapping girls in Nigeria or beheading neutral journalists. This is not the Cold War era anymore and the US cannot be the world's police and put out every fire. I'm gonna step back and read a lot more about what's going on because I get the feeling that we are being manipulated again.