Originally Posted By: goombah
In Ohio, the weather has been like the Pine Barrens episode from the Sopranos. For about 3 straight weeks.

Funny you mention the Pine Barrens, since I live on the edge of the Barrens. In fact we are within the jurisdiction of the Pinelands(barrens). Funny thing, when I saw that episode, I said to myself, "that's not the Pine Barrens, it looks like Harriman Park (in Rockland/Orange county in New York). I spent many days fishing, hiking and wandering around Harriman Park. The ending scene; a fade away scene of Tony driving near a lake. I blurted out - "That's Lake Tiorati!" Having driven through the heart of the Pine Barrens; it's flat and as the name implies, full of pine trees, no maples and oak like the scene in Sopranos. Artistic license. smile

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12