Even if you did nuke that part of the world, youd create a million more martyrs around the world and increase the attacks at home. Conversley, liberalism doesnt seem to be to effective either...

Its such a difficult situation and any answer has its own set of issues, although the best in my opinion is those involved directly should shoulder the full burden.

Those of islamic faith, countries and leaders included, MUST denounce with outrage every single act of violence (which they dont with any enthusiasm) and do much, much more to stop and prevent it. THEY should be attacking isis at home, THEY should be marching in protest everywhere, THEY should be spending more on intelligence to prevent terrorism, THEY should accept responsibility for the actions of others following their faith. If not, severe sanctions or whatever should be applied.

Unfortunately, the USA and effectively, most of the world is in bed with rich, middle eastern countries and until the bullshit is cut through in these relationships and they are examined seriously and used for good, we'll get nowhere. It boils down to human greed at the end of the day.

External intervention is rarely effective in any situation, and the problem with Islamic extremism is no different.