fergie, if you have a problem with Ivy sharing his beliefs or "impress it on everybody" as you put it, why is it okay for YOU to do it?

No, I'm not worried about random atheist attacks, nor am I worried about random Christian attacks, random Jewish attacks, random Buddhist attacks, random Mormon attacks, random Jehovah's Witness attacks, etc. But when it comes to religious persecution in the world today, the two primary religions (which we can define here as "a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance" or as our "ultimate concern") that are most responsible are Islam and atheism.

I'm "taking the piss"? I had to look that one up since we don't say that in the USA. It means to mock or make fun of something. No, I wasn't taking the piss as you say. Yes, science is based on truth. It's called rational empiricism, and its foundation is mathematics and beyond that the laws of logic, which in turn are derived from God's nature. If science wasn't based on truth then what may be true one day could be false the next and back. Without consistency it would come to a standstill. What do you think science rests on? Falsehood? Chaos? It rests on the Law of Identity and the Law of Noncontradiction.

As for unpleasant things that religious people believe, atheists aren't immune to racism, pedophilia, and all kinds of bad things. I once worked with an atheist Neo-Nazi who hated blacks, Jews and Christians, so whatever ad hominen attack you want to throw out, it can be thrown back right at you.

On the last one, that wasn't my threat, but a reality in today's world. Why do you think the Danish and French cartoonists were killed? It's because they mocked Islam. I'm not saying that they deserved to be killed so don't go there, but there is a reason why they were killed. They just thought they could joke and mock without consequences. It looks like you think that making fun or "taking the piss" of other people's beliefs is big joke, but for others it's seriously deadly. If there's a good reason NOT to mock the beliefs of others, it's that. Another reason is that it's offensive and people won't take you seriously. If you want to change people's minds it won't happen by insulting them or their beliefs.