PB, I just posted there before I read yours...again, Ive been consistent in personal faith throughout.

Maybe you don't, but a fair amount of religions who are apparently correct do proselytize, and they tell everyone about it

Im not trying to convert you, just make you think-my ultimate goal isn't to convert you to some light or whatever else and Ive no derogatory opinion of you because you believe, flip it round and most believers feel the opposite

Dude mentioned some dictators, and he is correct they were atheists, but you cant be gleeful about that? We both agreed straight after it?

Why wouldn't Hitchens sell his books for profit? He wrote around a dozen and a few were based on religion. I do understand it cant be nice to think he's writing that about your belief but they are all a fair retort to religion, you should read them PB-I was forced into RE classes when I was young so you could at least agreeably read a Hitchens book!