Fergie, you go around mocking and making all sorts of claims against "religion" (in quotes because each religion is different), yet make special pleading when it comes to your own belief system. Craig Stephen Hicks of North Carolina just murdered a young Muslim couple that just got married and the sister of the bride. He is a militant atheist who strongly believes in mocking all beliefs that aren't his, a la Richard Dawkins. What about Communist governments? They are and were atheist and persecute religious believers. The Soviet Union even had a group called League of Militant Atheists that not only engaged in propaganda, but aided the government in murdering priests and other believers. They also used to mock believers. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/League_of_Militant_Atheists. I suggest you read "The Black Book of Communism" and "Democide" for just how many atrocities were committed in the name of atheism. Or read "Persecuted for Christ" by Richard Wurmbrand who describes horrific torture that he personally experienced and witnessed. The idea the "we atheists" don't do bad things is just the "no true Scotsman" fallacy (I didn't name this fallacy, so no insult to Scotsmen LOL).

Again, you claim that it's wrong for religious people to evangelize, but it's somehow okay for you to mock and make a lot of assertions without evidence. Mockery appears to be the atheistic form of evangelism, a case of a double-standard while you won't respond to the question on why it is wrong for religious people to evangelize, other than you not liking it.