Originally Posted By: SC
Originally Posted By: MaryCas
And some of those other National League greats of the 1950s: Hank Aaron, Eddie Mathews, John Roseboro, Willie Mays, Stan Musial

IMHO Johnny Roseboro doesn't fit in on this list. The guy who he replaced does. Roy Campanella!

Duke Snider and Gil Hodges should be on that list, too.

Jeez SC I was just naming guys off the top of my head. Players I knew as a kid, which was like 55 years ago. Now if we're talking about the American league I'll give you names like Gus Triandos, Zolio Versailles, Rocky Colavito, "Suitcase" Simpson, Elmo Blatch, Woody Strode and Hector Lopez! tongue

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12