Originally Posted By: Oscarthedago
Originally Posted By: Revis_Island
Oh ok I misunderstood you at first. So apparently his parents aren't even italian but he changed his name to B------ so people would think that he was italian. I got you now. B----- sounds italian he could've fooled me either way. But back to the topic, I'm sorry you and your family were put through all of this. If you need anyone to talk to for some reason you can always pm me.

Thanks Revis...but I'm just fine. My objective was to let people know what this psycho has done and to ensure he stops...and if he doesn't, myself and others are ready to press charges for the sake of peace of mind. Not my style, but when my wife and almost 3 year old daughter are brought into this, you could never be to safe with the online perverts and predators like Jack B----- Jr. If I still lived in Youngstown, I would have had many options to deal with this as well as a few cops I know who would have taken him for a ride and given him a friendly reminder not to fuck with my family. I don't have those kind of contacts where I live now, so I had to put on record for my wife & daughters safety from a guy who wouldn't hesitate to execute a home invasion.

I feel for you Oscar and of course PB. Not a stranger to harassment and being stalked myself. Give your wife pepper spray and a bat. I was actually assaulted by some jerk-off and I'm not going to go into detail but let's put it this way I fuckin punched that guy in the face so hard I gave him a bloody nose and mouth and got away. From that point on I always carried pepper spray. I can write a whole thread on this subject of harassment. Another time a boyfriend I just broke up with made threats that he was going to rape me and my mother. He called my house over and over. He and his friends came by my house called again and my Pops went out there with a baseball bat but they never got out of the car. I was out that night with my friends so when I came home my Pops had me listen to the messages. I knew exactly who it was but I played dumb cuz I knew what my Pops would have done to that guy once he got a hold of him. I didn't want my father to go to jail and my mother to have no husband at home just for this lousy punk. My Pops still called the cops to report it. I told the cop I didn't know who the guy was. (It was my boyfriends best friend calling) Then I told my friend's brother who was a street guy in and out of jail what happened and he called the kid up telling him that he knows where he lives, works and hangs out and to stop calling and to have my ex to leave me alone OR ELSE. The kid was scared shitless. I never had a problem again.

And Revis---The cops don't do shit for you just take down a report. You're on your own. Luckily, this guy you are dealing with is such a fuckin loser with all his charges he doesn't have much time left. He's DONE.

(I may edit or delete this post cuz it's very personal stuff so please do not quote it thanks)

Last edited by J Geoff; 02/15/15 01:15 PM. Reason: DO NOT POST REAL NAMES HERE --JG