This was never a race or ethnicity thing, but he told people he was all Italian and that his last name was Bellini...turns out, it was Belani which is of Indian descent. He's reading this for sure and it is so gratifying knowing this piece of shit has been identified for the degenerate motherfucker that he is. I know who his family is now but I would never verbally attack them because it's wrong. I feel bad for them actually. This kid probably humiliated them and tarnished their good name. As a parent, I wouldn't know what to do if my kid pulled a desperate crime like this. And I already sent his lawyer a private email regarding this matter. At this juncture, it is a public case and we are discussing it and making fun of the asshole that is "accused" of these horrific charges.

As Uncle Charlie used to say, "Never get into pissing matches with skunks."