But he's not a threat. Not without a ski mask, an accomplice, or a computer to hide behind. Thanks for posting that photo, Oscar.

I'm pretty good at this. I look in those eyes, and I see a cowardly marshmallow of a "man."

As an aside, it has his lawyer's name on the docket. I wonder how he'd feel about his client carrying on like this when he's had all these counts pending for close to five years (which means he's a fucking rat to begin with, because who gets charges like these adjourned for five years?).

A fat, homely rat. Looking for love on a dating site. And if that's the best picture he can come up with, I can see why he's still single. He won't be single for long, though. I'm sure he'll make a lovely prison bride.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.