Originally Posted By: Malandrino
1. I never expected doxing threads to happen here in GBB, so I'm loling.

2. I doubt this thread is gonna be around for much longer.

The mods know full well what this creep is. He's attacked them all personally in the past, using the most repugnant anti-Semitic language known to man. Long story short, they have a horse in this race, too. So this thread may just stay up after all.

And if it doesn't, it doesn't matter. Because we all know that JACK can't stop lurking here. And I don't give a shit about LE. I'm stupid like that. The ghost of J. Edgar Hoover can be reading my posts. I don't care. He mentioned my wife to another poster who was loyal enough to share it with me.

I don't give a shit about your punk ass armed robbery, Jackie. Entitled junkie vs. a by-product of 116th Street. You do the math. Tick-Fucking-Tock, you garbage pail.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.