Binnie, thought you were going to finish that off with some extermination programme! What is wrong the gays getting married? Im not gay and I don't honestly give a shit what they do. If they get married and make a 'more real' commitment in their view, surely they will be more inclined to stay together, provide emotional and financial support for each other as opposed to short relationships etc AND SAVE ME, THE TAXPAYER, MONEY in the long run?

Its a different argument when you say you dont want gay guys (nice looking lesbians are ok, definitely!)kissing and rubbing their hands through each others chest hair etc in public, I don't want to see that either but that doesn't mean I don't want them to make whatever private commitment to each other. I assume the majority don't openly kiss etc in public, we just remember the minority that we might see who are no doubt annoying assholes, like straight couples who do the same. Tbh, I have no time for effeminate gay guys, why act like a woman? They annoy me like crazy and I avoid them like anyone else who annoys me, but again, Ill bet they annoy a lot of 'ordinary' gay guys as well. You know what would really annoy me if I was gay? Getting lumped in with the 'LBGT' acronym..lesbians ok, but people that aren't sure and others that are just batshit crazy and generally look like strange freaks would annoy the shit out of me.

As Ive said before though, this whole thing is unimportant and just a diversion from real issues..