Originally Posted By: Faithful1
That's why "liberal" shouldn't be used to describe them anymore. The word "liberal" connotes tolerance. They are left-wing extremists, far left-wingers, left-wing hatemongers or whatever you want to call them. They only tolerate what they agree with and are intolerant of everything else. In other words, they're not tolerant at all. To tolerate something means to put up with something, whether an idea or behavior, that you disagree with. They are really fascistic, wanting to force their beliefs on others and are willing to lynch those who who don't agree with them.

faithful, well thought out post, and the way its going, I find it very diffuclt to disagree with you,i don't care if someone is gay. but, I ask you not to rub your sexuality in my face. I find it sickning to have gay men kiss in public, with total disregard for children, or married couples, or the general public.

its gross, and rude, and they act like swine. and ones who defend such behavior are Indeed pushing their agenda by trying to recruit teens into their gay lifestyle, this is on their part is criminal. and such behavior should not be tolerated.

" watch what you say around this guy, he's got a big mouth" sam giancana to an outfit soldier about frank Sinatra. [ from the book "my way"