Originally Posted By: yigido
Islamic countries and their people outside of the Arab world are already against ISIS. The Arabs themselves should really start fighting ISIS from withing. A Kurdish friend of mine was in north-Iraq when ISIS was marching to his hometown. He said the Arabs were all celebrating the fact that ISIS was coming to liberate them. The locals support ISIS because they think they are a solution to the chaos the post-saddam era created. Also many in the north do this because they aren't happy with a Shia government who pushes away Sunni politicians while they are Sunni.
When the Arabs want to fight against ISIS then I think the west can intervene.

And you have to understand we Muslims see it as an insult to call terrorists as Muslims or Islamic, THEY ARE NOT Islamic or Muslim they are a disgrace and shame to our religion created and funded by the Saudis. Yes they keep repeating Islam, but their deeds show us that this is bullshit.

I said before in another thread that the Saudis funded, trained and commanded terrorists. Take a look at these articles.



Pretty much every country in the world agrees that ISIS is a terrorist organization, but there is still a lack of condemnation for other terrorist groups like Al Qaeda, Hezbollah and Hamas. Moreover, both Sunni and Shi'a teach that conversion from Islam to another religion is apostasy and receives the death penalty. For the terrorism to end there has to be free choice in religious belief. It says in Al-Baqara 256 in the Quran that there must be no compulsion in religion. ISIS obviously ignores that verse, but it is not much of an improvement if there is, as most Sunni and Shi'a believe, that compulsion is good to prevent one from leaving Islam.