Originally Posted By: fergie
The USA needs to change the way it elects people, or at least the way it puts candidates forward... Its been fucked up for at least 16 years now. A daddys boy thick as fuck ex-drunk, fake flyboy texan followed up by a token black guy who's softer than my cock on a gay night out doesn't bode well for an international power smile

I've always been an independent voter. Depending on the issues and the candidates, I've voted for either major party (sometimes third parties). I wasn't a Bush supporter, but I'm even less of an Obama supporter. Most of the American media are shills for the Democratic Party and put out false info on Republican politicians while letting Democratic ones get away with murder. Just the examples you provided about Bush prove that. The major media claimed that Bush never flew planes. That message obviously saw its way to the UK, but further investigation showed that he actually did fly as a pilot for the Air National Guard. It was a way of discrediting him. The attack got most of the publicity, but when the media was proven wrong it got little, so you probably did not hear that. Then the story about his drinking. He admitted to drinking and partying when he was younger, but became an abstainer when he became a Christian. He wasn't a heavy pot smoker or a cocaine user like Obama though...something that seems to get little attention. The media was quick with the false accusations with Bush while ignoring major problems with Obama (or Clinton, for that matter).

George W. Bush led a decent personal life when he was President, and as far as I know, so does Barack Obama. The problem is with the issues. The biggest issue is the war against Iraq. Was the war justified? Saddam Hussein did many things that would be considered acts of war. He rewarded suicide bombers in Palestine. He repeatedly violated the "no fly zone." He had a hit squad to kill a former U.S. president. He violated sixteen United Nations resolutions. So yes, it was justified. Does that mean we should have gone to war? That's a harder question to answer. Why? Documents found after the invasion indicated that Hussein was planning on restarting his nuclear program, and his targets were Israel and the USA. On the other hand, the war was costly for American lives and served as a foil against Iran. It's believed that he might not have allowed Al Qaeda in Iraq to grow, but it's really hard to say if that's true. Hussein was a Sunni who repressed Shi'a and Kurds, so it's also possible that they would have become allies and he would have funded them to commit acts of terrorism. All things considered, while the war in Iraq may have been justified I don't think it was the best thing for the long term.

Obama, on the other hand, should have left a force in Iraq instead of making a hardline on withdrawing all of them. That allowed ISIS to gain a major foothold there. While the antiwar extremists praised him for doing that, Middle East experts warned him against it, and he ignored them. It reflects an arrogance that Obama has as if he knows better than everyone else, then is surprised when things don't go as he planned. The Benghazi incident, generally ignored by the press but would have blasted Bush if this happened under his watch, was an act of aggression, an act of war, that was met by...nothing. Obama should have taken charge to protect the American ambassador and his staff, but he did nothing and the ambassador was killed.

Likewise the media constantly complained about Bush destroying civil liberties, but civil liberties under Obama is far worse. With Obamacare people are forced to purchase insurance or suffer major fines, and he put the Internal Revenue Service to enforce it. That is almost a Stalinist sort of statism because the IRS can prevent you from getting access to your money, empty out your bank accounts, or send you to prison.

People complained that Bush spent too much and created a bad economy. That's true and false. The Bush economy started going bad after the 2006 midterm elections that put the Democrats in control of both houses of Congress. Bush tried to do something about the housing crisis during its earliest stages, but was stopped by politicians like Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. Franklin Raines was the head of the FHA under Clinton then Bush, and Bush called for an accounting of what he was doing. The Democrats circled the wagons and defended him. Raines enforced many of the policies that caused the housing crisis and gave himself and his staff millions of dollars in bonuses out of taxpayer's pockets. So the charge that Bush helped cause the housing crisis and the recession is really unfounded. Bush did increase the national debt substantially, and that charge is true. However, what gets almost no press coverage is the fact that the national debt under Obama is MORE THAN EVERY PREVIOUS PRESIDENT COMBINED! That should have been front page news because if the USA defaults on its debt it will lead to a worldwide depression. Obama called Bush "unpatriotic" for increasing the national debt, but Obama has increased it far more than Bush did...and Obama's still has two years left of his presidency!

Obama is currently working with Iran for a nuclear treaty after Iran has promised that if it gets nukes it will use them against Israel, but attacks and undermines Israeli president Netenyahu every chance he gets. Bush was always a good friend to Israel.

Under Obama race relations have worsened as he consistently does the wrong thing. He starts off by considering every criticism of him as racist instead of being against his far left-wing policies. He and his attorney general, Eric Holder, have done everything they could to divide people rather than unite, and helped fan the flames of anger and distrust in places like Ferguson, Missouri. As others pointed out, in allowing race-baiting con men like Al Sharpton unprecedented access to the White House shows just how wrong he is.

These are only some of the reasons why Obama is probably the worst American president since Woodrow Wilson (the president during World War I).