Originally Posted By: Crash
Is it possible the fbi requested this session and Carnese ( gotti jr lawyer) wanted to kind of feel out the feds, see if they show their hand? Is it possible they requested it and JR went on the advice of his attorney and never intended to cooperate? Something tells me JR did not ever intend to cooperate.

I doubt it. What I think happened is this:

Junior offered his services as a C.I. on the condition that he never had to testify. Don't forget that at that point he still could have come out with at least one stripe, even if they broke him down from skipper. So he probably could have been a useful informant.

But the Feds didn't want a Gotti as a C.I. They wanted Junior on the stand to belittle his father's memory, even in death. Junior couldn't go that route, the deal fell through, and the Feds let the 302 slip for spite. It's just their style.

So technically Junior didn't go through with ratting. But I'm convinced that he offered his services as a C.I. That the Feds wouldn't go for it is neither here nor there. He offered his services. End of story.

This gives me no pleasure, but Junior can only blame himself for a lot of this stuff. He abused Willie when they were being held in Valhalla (even though Willie would have broken him in half if it was a square street fight without fear of repercussion). Junior backed Willie into a corner and turned him into a rat. I don't condone what Willie did. But I do understand why he did it. Junior and Greg were going to hang him out on front street.

Junior also bought into Greg's line of bullshit when they tried to squeeze Tore out, and it backfired. And poor Craig DePalma I don't even want to get into. The kid had no business in the life. But that's neither here nor there, either.

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