Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
The Feds will be dangling some very tempting bait in front of him in the coming months. The State's done with him, the Feds aren't. Especially if they think they can get to Merlino. Now I reiterate that some solid Philly people have told me that he'll stand his ground. But the Feds will be breaking his balls for awhile at the very least.

And Beans, the short answer to your question is that the Feds can pressure the State to release a guy to them any time they want. The State doesn't technically have to comply. But they usually do. And in mob cases, I can't think of a single instance where they didn't comply.

Dead on as usual. He could be wrapping up this case because the Feds asked him to for all we know, the flip angle is still not out of this equation.

The reason I thought he could flip (I don't know him from any other these days) was like Oscar said, because of that bombshell wife and those two little girls (I think they were girls?). Not seeing them grow up makes a difference. He can do his time and get out a divorced and lonely old man with grown up girls that want nothing to do with you or flip and hope to be with his wife and kids. He loses either way honestly.