Originally Posted By: Malandrino
I get they didn't have much clout and support but you can't underestimate them.. I honestly think they'd have a fair chance at taking out Casso. It's not like the rest of the family STRONGLY supported keeping somebody like Casso and Amuso in power.

I tend to agree. Anyone can kill anyone on any given day. Especially where psychopaths are concerned. Now the twins would have ended up dead or in jail anyway, but had they whacked Casso it would have staved off a lot of turmoil and unrest.

The '80s really were a volatile time, especially in Brooklyn and the Bronx. Takes me back, though. I turned 21 in 1980, and 30 in 1989. And your 20's are arguably the most memorable decade of your life (marriage, career, etc.). So enjoy them now, boys lol.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.