Originally Posted By: NickyScarfo
the UN make me laugh in all this, 'we strongly condemn the actions of ISIS' 'we have found evidence of ISIS committing genocide and war crimes' All the while they do nothing about it!

It's more of the same pedagogically correct bullshit the 'great leaders' of our modern society seem to forcefeed their masses: 'We condemn this, condemn that, that's bad of you to do son, cry cry cry'. All the while doing jack shit about the situation. A spoiled child kicks at an elderly man's leg, how do you react? You're going to say to the kid that you 'condemn' what he just did there? The shitbag probably doesn't even know what that word means.

They're politicians and I don't trust politicians, plain and simple. Most of them give a rat's ass what happens to the rest of world as long as they can keep their pockets filled. And to be honest I have committed egocentric acts myself, but at least I don't claim to 'be there for the people'.

And the world as we know it of course needs politics and it needs law and order, and religion (any religion) at its core is a beautiful thing as well, but I guess it's human nature to fuck all of that up.