Five, that is sure Ive heard that before....I asked the questions just because I never have really heard a definitive answer about him. Bush was obviously mad and that is the consensus (ok, possibly to a lesser extent!) but I hear more and more negative shit about obama and want clarification.

Dues, I get your point as well, we've had the positive "melting pot of societies" where everybody just lives in harmony. In reality, large ethnic groups tend to stick together which just creates ghettos. My father moved to liverpool and a few years ago we drove through an area which had "Somaliland" spray painted across it (this was after he drove me round the beatles sights, strawberry fields, lennon/mccartneys old houses etc) and what a place...not a white face for miles...a car pulled in front of us and one behind right beside a gang on the street, they checked us over and we were allowed to drive off....fucking crazy. 2 min later we were back in the city centre, VERY tight borders there