Originally Posted By: Dwalin2011
Originally Posted By: LaLouisiane
And yeah, we also dropped them to put Russia in their place as a side note

That's really a good reason to justify murder of children, women and old people. No wonder that after talking to americans like you people start thinking (baselessly in reality, I hope) that American is the most arrogant and bloodthirsty nation on earth, right after some islamic groups. On the other hand, people like you don't care.

Originally Posted By: LaLouisiane

The atomic bombs were dropped because the calculations of Allied troops invading mainland Japan would have resulted in more deaths than the two bombs combined. You don't believe me, look it up, thing called a history book. And yeah, we also dropped them to put Russia in their place as a side note (Sorry we tend to do that to you guys A LOT), but hey use it as your main line of defense to call us barbarians.

Two, you can claim rape by the American Army all you want, You weren't there, so I could really care less about the accusations you are throwing out about people you know nothing about. You have efficiently proved yourself to be ignorant and misled on this entire conversation by throwing out accusations that did not happen in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Vietnam? Dude I'm 27, wasn't in Vietnam. Wasn't born when Vietnam happened and surely didn't serve in the army at that time. I am talking about the recent invasion and occupation of Iraq. Because earlier you were accusing us of Rape in the current war that just ended. STOP CHANGING YOUR STORY COMRADE!!! And for the record, no I do not agree with what happened in Vietnam. Those that raped and pillaged should have faced trial for war crimes. But once again I wasn't there nor alive at that time. Of course it is inexcusable to kill a woman and child, and I would never condone it.

You came on here calling soldiers no better than hitman. What do you know of the US armed forces? Honestly, you can quote Vietnam all you want but what do you know? You base your accusations because of what you claim to know of the corrupt crappy Russian army that falters and sputters every ten years then falls on its face.

You are talking like the American army is perfect and less crappy than the Russian one. You don't even know how to talk civilly since you insult Russians as if they were all the same (and as if you knew a thing about Russia and were there even once) and think your opinion has any weight. If you really counted something, you would have more humility. 27 years old... I am 28, you're more or less the same age as me and talk like you were a generation older and were in a position to give me lessons.

And you claim you don't care about my accusations? Then stop reacting to them, or you contradict yourself. Go shoot somebody, it's all you soldiers know how to do.

Anyway, I should have known it. I tried to end it on a good (or at least neutral) note, but you military people only respect people who agree with the murders you commit, since a murder according to you isn't a murder if committed in name of patriotism. Great. Just great

It's okay man, you came in and tried calling all soldiers rapists and it backfired.

Then you tried changing the wars from recent to thirty years ago: It backfired again. Especially when I agreed with you that the soldiers in Vietnam should have been prosecuted.

More than one poster came out with the same info on Japan as I posted.

I'm not sure if the Army kicked you out, If you couldn't meet the physical requirements to get in, or if you were just flat out denied. But your bias to all people in uniform screams something more happened to you as a child or you are compensating for something else in life by hating a specific group of people you probably at one time aspired to be. Either way I am pretty sure other posters see straight through your accusations.

LaLou signing off

"What are you cacklin' hens cluckin' about?!?!"

"Is that him?!? With the sombrero on?!?"