Originally Posted By: Dwalin2011
Originally Posted By: dixiemafia

I actually consider this too ignorant to reply to but I will.

Since you were born in Russia, I consider you to not be able to have the right to say a fucking thing about our military. As LaLou mentioned, I'd say 90% of our military join today to get ahead in life. Early retirement, education, learning a trade, and even getting into politics are just a few things that joining the military gets you here. Recruiters know that 99% of those they sign up will be out after their first or second re-enlistment.

So no we don't sign up here just to shoot people.

If you think you are so clever, what do you think about soldiers raping and pillaging on conquered territories? An argument to difficult for you to grasp? Or are you SERIOUSLY implying Americans don't do that? It's as much ignorant as if I said Russians don't do that. War transforms people into beasts, and I am not talking about those "other kind" of people who enlist to be mechanics, work with computers etc, but about those who actively participate in battles on their own free will.

And I don't have a problem with the USA army specifically. Other countries' armies are no better from a moral point of view.
I think you take a wrong look at it. The soldiers participating in those wars or that even enlist in the army regardless of which country, is usually as said before to either learn a profession or in some cases escape poverty.
We can't put all the blame on soldiers for what happens in those wars as they don't start them. Conditions of war forces these cases of pilaging and chaos to happen. I find it hard to believe that someone that wants to protect his country joins the army for the joy of killing. What would happen if people didn't join the army when terrorists are attacking the people? ISIS? Taliban? Foreign countries invading? Talking nice wont prevent lunatics killing innocents.